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Terms of payment

All prices, indicated alongside each product, include VAT and all other taxes and duties established on the Italian territory. They can also be modified without notice. Antica Macelleria Srl provides different ways to pay for your purchases:

Credit card

Payment will be made by debiting the purchase amount directly to the credit card. The customer will fill in a special form created by the issuing bank or by the virtual payment circuit for the purchase in which to enter the card number and data relating to its expiry. The credit card payment system is guaranteed by the issuing bank or by the virtual payment circuit. At no time during the purchase procedure is Antica Macelleria Srl able to know the information relating to the buyer’s credit card, transmitted via a secure connection directly to the website of the bank that manages the transaction. No computer archive of Antica Macelleria Srl will keep such data. In no case Antica Macelleria Srl

In compliance with the most recent European regulations, payments by credit card on the anticamacelleriashop.com site are guaranteed by the 3D Secure (Mastercard) or Verified by Visa code, to protect customer data. 3D Secure is a security system that offers added protection and secure authentication when you shop online by card. According to the type of card, it is called “MasterCard SecureCode”, “Verified by VISA”. Card authentication via 3D Secure adds to the security measures that have always been adopted to protect and simplify payments for users.


Using the international PayPal system, you can make payments either with your credit card or PostePay, or through your PayPal account.

Upon confirmation of the order, you will be directed to the PayPal login page. The total amount relating to the order will be charged to your credit card or PayPal account when the payment procedure on the Paypal platform is completed. In case of cancellation of the order, either by the Customer, or in case of rejection by Antica Macelleria Srl, the amount will be promptly reversed, so that it will be re-credited to the Customer’s PayPal account or to his credit card. The cancellation of the order is possible until the moment in which the same is not yet in the process of evasion.

In the event of a request for cancellation of the transaction, in no case Antica Macelleria Srl can be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by delay in the failure to release the amount committed by PayPal. For each payment made by PayPal, the customer will receive a confirmation email directly from the PayPal circuit.

Advance bank transfer

By choosing this payment method, the customer will make, following the order, a bank transfer (the data will be provided automatically at the time of purchase) and the ordered products will be kept busy until the bank has actually credited the amount due on the c / c of Antica Macelleria Srl. The shipment will start only after we have received the credit of the transfer to our bank account. This credit must take place within 7 working days from the date of acceptance of the order.

After these deadlines, the order will be considered automatically canceled.

Coordinates for the bank transfer:

Beneficiary Antica Macelleria Srl



The purpose of the Advance Bank Transfer must include:

– the order reference number;

– the date the order was placed;

– name, surname and telephone number of the order holder.



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